Earlier this month I
watched a program called Open Court on NBA TV. They were doing a Black History
Month Special. On a panel of ten people, eight were black and former basketball
players while the other two people in the room were white, Steve Kerr who once
played in the league and the moderator of the debate. One of the things that I found
interesting about this panel, despite the lack of diversity, was the
perspective from Steve Kerr. During the debate, he made an interesting comment,
(this is me paraphrasing) “at least black people have a month; white people didn’t
get anything.” Which was in response to Charles Barkley saying the joke, does
Steve feel guilty that black people were given the shortest month. This
statement triggered my train of thought down the following path.
I have always wondered
how white people feel when they see something like Black History Month, Martin
Luther King Jr Day, and the Black Entertainment Television (BET) channel. Because
what is interesting to me – this is a story that I have never told anyone else –
but while working at a department store I overheard two of my white co-workers
talking as I walked by the television department and one of them said, “if
white people had a channel like that (similar to BET, I guess a WET) then other
races would be up in arms.” Although I did not say anything and kept on
walking, that conversation has always remained in the back of my mind (this
happened ten plus years ago).
I think that if white
people had a WET or a white appreciation month it would not be perceived well,
to say the least. Without a doubt, other races would scream bloody murder.
Hispanics, blacks, and Asians would probably feel as though their worst nightmares
are coming true because these races perceive that the world is already
dominated by the white man. If we look throughout history, Caucasians have
basically taken whatever they wanted and claimed it as their own; they already
have the twelve months of the year and they own the history books.
What I don’t understand
is how white people see the world. White people, I think as a collective group
doesn’t realize the fact that – although some of them may not be Warren Buffet
or Bill Gates – they still have an upper hand on every other race, especially
black people, and especially in America. I think, white people don’t understand
that by being born white, they are given the benefit of the doubt and that is
something a black man never has. I’m not sure what the first thought is that a
white person has when they see a black man but I am almost certain that it is
more closely associated with a negative image rather than a positive one.
With that being said, I
know for a fact that some black people look at other black people and they will
think something negative first as opposed to opening welcome arms to your
brother; but don’t get me started on black on black racism because I feel as
though that is a much larger problem and a topic for another day. I mean
seriously, how can we expect other races to take us seriously when we break our
backs to perpetuate stereotypes and continue the “crab-in-a-bucket” mentality.
I believe that part of the reason for this is because white people have
controlled the narrative and the headlines for so long that black people have
taken the stance of “don’t bite the hand that feeds you” which throughout
history has been someone with white skin. Therefore, black people will put down
other black people just to have a seat at the white mans table. How can we
combat this, for one stop looking up to celebrities as if they are the saviors
of the world. Secondly, the African American community needs more positive role
models besides seeing the same tired images of black people on television. Thirdly,
we need to value education more, which is easier said than done.
Lastly, as a side note,
when are we going to stop idolizing celebrities and entertainers and start
valuing the hard working business man or the quality teacher or the two parents
that are still together and putting their child through college? When are we
going to give regular people a chance to tell their story? Everyone has a
unique tale to tell, not just sports heroes.