Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dishin' It Up with Fantasy Author, Andre Alan

I’d like to welcome author, Andre Alan, to DJ’s Book Corner. Thank you for taking the time to come dish it up with me.

My pleasure.

First question, when did you first know you wanted to be an author?
One of my coworkers in the year of 2006 told me to pick up a book titled ‘The Eye of the World’ by Robert Jordan and after reading that book I was inspired. I sort of stumbled into writing and being an author. I figured it would be a job that was a lot more fun than IT Help Desk support. Before that experience I had always been preparing to create a comic book and maybe even a cartoon since I love to draw. Yet after discovering the world of fantasy books I began to love to read and consequently, to write.

When did you write your first book?
I first starting writing in 2007. My first full length book was a story titled ‘Paladin Conscript’ that I originally set out to write as a novella. Then I challenged myself to see if I could turn it into a novel. Maybe one day I will release that novel to the public.

Tell us a little about your fantasy novel, Heaven’s Fate. Who or what inspired the title?
Heaven’s Fate is about a young man named Thame Elliot who lost his parents. He grew up with a lot of anger and insisted it was a government conspiracy. His father’s martial arts classmate, Autumn Augustus took in the young orphan boy and raised him. She is now the empress of the human continent Eioda.

The inspiration for the title came from the fact that Thame Elliot will eventually carry the fate of the entire world and all of the races that live there. Thame must learn to become the messiah in order to stop his nemesis, Miles Xavier from casting a spell that will bring the underworld up to dominate the world of Threa, where the living reside. With the help of his legendary mystical weapon that his father once wielded, the Tundra Sword, Thame will control the fate of everyone that has ever lived and even that of the dead.

Sum the main character Thame up in three words.
Driven. Dedicated. Determined.

What do you like best about writing fantasy novels?
Seeing my ideas take shape and transforming a blank piece of paper into a mystery world that no one has ever seen before. Plus when you go through the different editing phases you get to know the story inside out and start to have a deeper connection with the characters and the world that they inhabit.

What is your writing schedule like?
As random as the weather, sometimes I start writing at 1AM only to finish at 5AM but then again sometimes I will start at Noon and keep going until 8 PM. It really varies based on how I am feeling that day. I try to stick to a weekly writing quota as opposed to a daily one.

Do you need absolute quiet to write? Do you listen to music when you are writing?
No, I don’t necessarily NEED quiet to write but sometimes I do prefer it. I also like to write with music playing softly in the background as well since it helps to make the time fly by. I feel as though music helps to put me in the mood of writing and helps me to convey certain feelings.

Who are three of your favorite authors? Books?
Three of my favorite authors: R.A. Salvatore, James Patterson, Robert Jordan. While three of my favorite books are: ‘The Eye of the World’ by Robert Jordan, ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ by Arthur C. Clarke, and ‘The Holy Bible’ by Various Authors.

As an author, what is the best compliment you could receive from a reader?
To be perfectly honest, I am not really sure. But I guess what I would love to hear is that my novel somehow, in some way, shape or form connected with the reader on a deeper lever and took them on an unforgettable journey. I just hope that my book does not waste anyone’s time and that it is entertaining.

My Super Silly Question: Since you like video games, Snowman (cookie) versus Gingerbread Man (cookie) in Call of Duty...who would be the victor?
LOL…, okay, this is a hard one, but I think I would have to go with the Gingerbread Man. He seems like he is a bit tougher, plus he has more of a soldier type of build.

Diantha: Plus Gingerdude has the spice factor going on, right?

Now for the Quickie...

eBooks or Paperbacks? Paperbacks
Vampires or Werewolves? Vampires
Playstation or Xbox? Playstation
Ruffles or Lays? Lays
Kindle or Nook? Kindle
Coffee or Tea? Tea
Music or Movies? Movies
Thanks Andre! It's been fun!
Connect with Andre on Twitter – Facebook – Website

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